From Roots to Fruit

From roots to fruit is a parenting podcast about homeschooling. It is for anyone that is looking for a frank point of view about homeschooling in Canada, from a working mother that is trying to grow in the Orthodox Christian faith. Join me on this journey as we explore various issues.

Sunday Jun 18, 2023
Why we homeschool
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
Sunday Jun 18, 2023
Every family decides to homeschool for different reasons. Some reasons overlap while others are specific to that family. Tune in to find out why we chose to homeschool and how we made that decision.

Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
Introductory episode. Tune in to see what I am about.

I am a Canadian homeschooling mother that also works. Though we thought about homeschooling when I was pregnant with our first child we didn't start homeschooling until the lock downs. After much research we had a picture in our head of how homeschooling would look, but instead we found something different. Our journey was met with many challenges that many on the internet didn't talk about, as well as triumphs that are also not talked about enough. In addition, the homeschooling community has changed in the last few years, adding to the difficulties, but also opening opportunities. Through it all our kids really enjoyed learning at home and so we continued to work out the kinks. In these podcasts, I will be discussing all of the issues that we went through, the stigmas, the challenges, and the rewards. I will talk about the lessons that we learned from a frank and honest perspective.